Friday, 20 May 2011

Bad Mother Icons

These icons are designed to validate the crazy, hazy days of mums at home with young kids. 

Still a work in progress, this is a personal project which found life through discussions with my sister about the challenges of daily parenting. It is my firm belief that caring for young children was never meant to be done by one isolated individual, but with the support of extended family and a network of fellow parents.

Parenting is a crucially important role requiring a vast range of skills, yet the skills are largely unrecognised and the job has very little social status. And although there is a perception that parenting should be done in a manner that conforms to the ideals of our society, the job is often left to one isolated, often untrained and exhausted individual who often also feels obligated to display a facade of smooth household management.

Email if you would like the vector files.

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Blogger Ladysoul said...

Hi, can i use this vector file? Really represents me, a mum of 2 :))

22 February 2013 at 07:19  

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